Make it official. Become an unlimited member and enjoy:
Unlimited class registrations, 30% OFF private lessons, 50% OFF studio rentals, discounted event tickets, and spicy swag.
Monthly members can register for an unlimited number of weekly progressive sessions at no additional cost beyond their monthly membership fees! Friday night heels drop-ins are included in the membership. Special workshops and drop-ins are 50% off, as are studio rentals. Private lessons are 30% off. These discounts are automatically applied for all monthly members.
Current Membership Rates: $199 + HST per month
If I buy a membership today, when does it take effect?
You can start registering for classes as soon as you purchase your membership, and you will be billed the monthly fee immediately, but it will be pro-rated so you only pay for the remaining days of the month.
Can I get a membership to register for a 5 week session and cancel at the end of the month?
The membership is not intended to be a one-month pass to the studio, and we require a minimum 6 month commitment. If you cancel your membership partway through a session, we will bill for each class that is unpaid. The idea behind the membership is that it’s an ongoing pass to the studio over many months! If you aren’t sure whether or not you’re ready to commit - no problem! Try registering for a single 5-week session first and see how you like it here!
Do I still pay for classes if I have a membership?
Nope! Not unless it’s a special workshop, and even then it’s 50% off for you. When you buy a membership, all of your regular weekly classes are included.